Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hari Kedua

Roomate aku Razali dari SMK Ade Putra

Kursus Foto Digital

Hotel Prescott Klang
28-31 Oktober 2007

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mesyuarat Intergrasi ICT

Place: Empress Hotel, Sepang
Date: 30 september until 2 October 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Minggu ke dua ramadan

Today i just repairing the internet and its a bit relieve to have it today. Yestreday , i just went to malacca to buy a few thing..erm..tired after a whole day work

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Minggu 1 ramadan

Today i have just have my time to update my blog

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Minggu ni dah nak puasa...

I feel very tired after spending my holiday in cameron highland

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First day here

Yesterday evening, i , nazri with shaari just take a walk around our hotel

Mesyuarat Pembangunan Laman Web Myschoolnet Bil 3/2007

Date: 27 hingga 30 August 2007
Langkawi Seaview Hotel

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Melaka, here we come

Today we will back to our home...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Taklimat bermula

We just have our own ice breaking session..with hj Sofian from PPK

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Thursday, August 02, 2007

PC Fair expedition...07

Tomorrow i with two teacher will bring a whole bus student to KL. Yeah...

Penat baru balik kursus!!!

Today iam just feel so tired when all thing be settle down. I just arrived just in time. Really enjoyed my courses at De Rhu Kuantan.....

Monday, July 30, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dah Hantar dah

erm...semalam sempat minum sama shaari kat JPM..lepas hantar surat lawatan..

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Keep your chin up, teachers urged

KUALA LUMPUR: Teachers must not be easily demoralised by the mounting media criticism against them, but be professional in handling the issue of indiscipline among students.
At the same time, society has been told not to be too quick in judging and penalising teachers whose actions in punishing indisciplined students may be seen as excessive.

At least three ministers — Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim and Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin — have given this advice to teachers.

Met after the final of a quiz competition, Kuiz Perdana Khas Kemerdekaan, organised by the three ministries and held at Angkasapuri here, the ministers said they wanted teachers to have an open mind and regard the negative media reports and criticism as lessons to be learned.

Hishammuddin said there was still a large section of society that appreciated and recognised the sacrifices and contributions made by teachers.
So, they must be steadfast and not be easily disheartened in carrying out the tasks entrusted to them, he added.

Of late, the media has been carrying reports of what were deemed excessive punishment meted out on students for indiscipline.

The latest was the case of a teacher and school hostel warden in Sarawak, who made nearly 200 female students squat in a fish pond after they repeatedly ignored her warnings not to clog the toilet bowls by dumping their sanitary pads into them (see report on P4).

In light of this, Hishammuddin reminded teachers to be sensible when meting out punishment on indisciplined students so that their actions would not be misconstrued and cause other teachers to feel that they were also wronged.

Meanwhile, Zainuddin said stern disciplinary actions by teachers had often been misunderstood by some quarters, although strict teachers had proven to produce a generation of disciplined individuals.

"Perhaps the action by the school warden was to teach some of the errant students a good lesson, that is, not to repeat their bad habit.

"We can’t deny that there are teachers who have good intentions. I believe the Sarawak teacher has a good intention too because the problem facing the school hostel is not new but has been going on for a long time."

Rais said the approach used in teaching should combine gentle persuasion and stern or disciplinary action.

"However, disciplinary actions could be refined to suit current times without jeopardising the value of learning for the students involved." — Bernama

Apasal la ada yng dengki ni...ermm

aku pun x tau apasal apa yg aku wat jadi isu..memang la..kalau x de kebenaran aku pon x leh nak bawak budak gi kl..tapi bagi la aku peluang nak siapkan keje aku dulu..ni belum apa2 dah hentam...apa jenis org la..

yang penting aku heppy....dan aku akan buat yang terbaik utk bebudak yg join gi KL minggu depan...harap semua berjalan lancar..sebelum ni x de isu pon..memang nak carik isu la tu..lantak ko le labu.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lawatan ke KL ni banyak masalah la...

erm...entahla..x tau lak kenapa susah sangat nak buat lawatan kali ini?..memacam dugaan la..terima kasih pada kenkawan yang faham....siap ada org riki tanya aku pasal lawatan pc fair ini....

Masalah Disiplin?

DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOL: What is a teacher to do?
By : M.S. DHALIWAL, Kajang

AT first, it was the football-team bashing time. Now, it seems that the attention has been diverted to the teachers.
First, it was the case of a student who uttered an expletive and a teacher who allegedly punched her. Next, it was the case involving students who failed to hand in their homework. Finally, the case involving 200 schoolgirls in a pond and a warden who took centre stage.

As a teacher myself, it is disheartening to read reports portraying teachers in a bad light. No doubt, teachers have to follow certain guidelines in curtailing discipline problems but we must remember teachers are human beings, too. As parents, you have to follow a certain procedure in disciplining your child. A parent may have to deal with three or four children, but a teacher has to discipline 30 to 40 of them.

A 13-year-old girl utters a curse word in the presence of the others. What would you do? You may not punch her on the face, but believe me, the last thing that you would do is open the procedure book for guidance. I am not condoning what the teacher did but had any of us been in that situation, we, too, would be facing suspension.

During my school days, being slapped or caned by the headmaster or headmistress was something shameful, not only for the student but the parents as well. I remember parents dragging their children to the headmaster’s office to apologise for the child’s misdeeds and inflicting further punishment on their child themselves.
Nowadays, we still have parents dragging their children to the headmaster’s office but with a posse of reporters and photographers. Instead of apologising, they demand apologies. Instead of shame, they invite publicity.

Before I attempt to "defend" the Sibu incident, allow me to share an incident that took place in my school. Just last week, I stumbled upon a few boys who were covered from head to toe with flour. The class was a mess with flour on the tables, chairs and the floor.

It was quite obvious that there had been a "flour fight". However, when I demanded an explanation, no one admitted starting the fight or even bringing flour to school.

Even the threat of calling their parents was futile. Finally, when I waved my cane, the students started volunteering names and details of the "flour fight".

The warden in Sibu was not as lucky as I was. She might have threatened to dip them in the pond and probably had to do it when all the students kept mum.

I am not saying what the teachers above did is right or wrong. I am just saying that suspending or putting these teachers in a bad light is not the right thing to do.

In a way, I salute these teachers for trying to make a change. Obviously, it would have been easier to just ignore the problem.

There are many teachers out there who opt to play it safe. They just walk into the class, deliver their lesson and walk out again, ignoring the students who curse, who do not do their homework and those who do not pay attention.

I am from the old school. I believe in instilling discipline. My students dare not curse me, they will finish their homework and they will admit if they are wrong. However, after reading about the cases mentioned, maybe I, too, should play it safe.

Perjumpaan dengan Pengetua dengan pelajar 4F

Pelajar 4f telah dipanggil untuk berjumpa tuan pengetua..saya sebagai guru tingkatan turut dijemput untuk bersama-sama.......dari 36 org hanya 18 org sahaja yang ada kat dalam kelas..ermm...kelas ni memang ramai ponteng...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Kenapa tolong orang kalau diri sendiri selalu disalah anggap?

kenapa ekk....tak tau la...buat le keje ko...insyaAllah, kalau ko buat dengan betul mesti ko akan difahami satu hari nanti....rerajin le wat kojo tu. Aku hanya seoarang guru biasa.....

Mesyuarat Pusat Sumber Al hikmah

Semalam petang ada mesyuarat AJK PS kat Pusat Sumber sempena minggu PS minggu depan

Lawatan ke PC Fair 3 2007 KL

Saya bertanggungjawab mengumpulkan pelajar untuk ke PC Fair KL 3 Ogos 2007. Bayaran RM 20.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Minggu Ujian Selaras 3

Aku terasa kurang sibuk skit...tapi nak settlekan Lawatan PC Fair dan Lawatan ke kelantan..

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mentor: Tanpa disiplin pelajar rosak

Oleh Safuri Kamarudin

Guru disiplin bukan ambil kesempatan tapi pikul tanggungjawab bentuk generasi berdaya saing, berupaya hadapi cabaran

SAYA tahu ramai pelajar tidak suka dengan guru disiplin. Pelbagai tanggapan dilemparkan tapi yang sentiasa didengar, ‘Cikgu disiplin tidak sporting, garang tidak bertempat dan sentiasa mencari kesalahan pelajar’.

Sudah lama berkecimpung dalam arena perguruan dan pelbagai masalah disiplin dihadapi. Sebenarnya, suka diperbetulkan guru disiplin tidaklah garang tapi mereka hanya menjalankan tugas sepertimana diamanahkan.

Pelajar zaman sekarang bakal berdepan fenomena hidup serba mencabar pada masa depan. Jika tidak dibekalkan dengan nilai disiplin kuat, nescaya mereka bakal kecundang.

Di sinilah letaknya fungsi guru disiplin. Kami memikul tanggungjawab membentuk generasi yang mampu berdaya saing, mempunyai jati diri tinggi serta berkeupayaan menghadapi cabaran.

Malangnya, ada segelintir pelajar tidak nampak peranan dan mesej yang ingin disampaikan. Mereka beranggapan, guru disiplin sengaja mencari kesalahan.

Untuk pengetahuan, mengapa perlu memberi hukuman sekiranya tidak bersalah? Guru disiplin tidak pernah mengambil kesempatan terhadap pelajarnya malah apa yang dilakukan bertujuan mendidik.

Namun tidak ramai yang mengetahui hasrat hati kami malah sentiasa melemparkan tanggapan negatif.

Kalaulah mereka tahu apa yang dilakukan itu semata-mata demi kebaikan pada masa depan, sudah tentu tidak wujud perasaan begitu.

Berdasarkan pengalaman, cuma pelajar bermasalah saja yang tidak suka dengan kami tapi bukan semua malah ramai lagi yang tahu menghargai jasa.

Sebagai guru, memanglah kena tegas, apatah lagi senario pendidikan negara hari ini bukanlah seperti enam dekad dulu. Sekarang pelajar lebih pandai, berani malah mungkin perasaan menghormati guru pun semakin kurang.

Penerapan disiplin itu kami sediakan sebagai platform supaya mereka bersedia berdepan pelbagai cabaran. Jika sudah kukuh penerapan disiplinnya, bererti tiada masalah berdepan cabaran itu.

Pernahkah pelajar tanya, untuk apakah disiplin? Saya yakin ramai kurang arif mengenainya. Tahukah mereka, sebenarnya disiplin berupaya menjadi benteng diri daripada terbabit dengan pelbagai gejala sosial.

Disiplin juga bakal melahirkan individu kreatif serta mempunyai kesedaran harga diri dalam masyarakat untuk bergerak ke arah kemajuan.

Generasi muda perlu tahu inilah prinsip hendak ditekankan bagi memperkasakan mereka supaya mempunyai wawasan seterusnya berjaya sebagai pemimpin pada masa depan.

Jika dalam usia muda mereka sudah hilang pedoman dan tidak boleh menerima teguran, bayangkan apa yang bakal berlaku?

Mereka akan menjadi kelompok lemah, tiada langsung semangat jati diri malah boleh ‘tumbang’ pada bila-bila masa.

Kami tidak mahu senario itu membelenggu kehidupan generasi muda, biarpun ada kalanya sedih dengan tindakan segelintir pelajar mengingkari nasihat, guru disiplin tidak jemu memberikan nasihat.

Semuanya kami lakukan kerana sayangkan pelajar dan mahu mereka menjadi insan berguna.

Ingatlah, biar apapun jawatan guru itu, mereka ikhlas untuk membantu. Jika kami marah itu hanyalah demi kebaikan kerana mahu melihat generasi hari ini berjaya pada masa depan.


Nama: Mohamad Fauzi Md Nor
Asal: Baling, Kedah
Umur: 41 tahun
Pendidikan: Diploma Perguruan, Maktab Perguruan Teruntum, Kuantan Pahang
Jawatan: Guru Disiplin dan Penyelaras Pengawas di SK Titi Gantong, Baling, Kedah

Meeting Pembestarian Sekolah minggu lepas....

Aku baru tahu yang meeting minggu lepas..

Memacam berlaku...

Hujung minggu ni terasa amat panjang...busu kl aku lak nak jual tanah kat aku?...apasal lak aku yang jadi mangsa

Monday, July 09, 2007

Kursus Kejurulatihan ICT Peer Coaching

Kursus diadakan di Hotel Capitol, KL
Tarikh: 8 hingga 13 Julai 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Dah Ambik keta ..yehaa!!!

aku dan wife semalam dah ambik keta kat Naza Kia..erm..test drive dari pusat servis sampai kat tesco...memula x de prob ..pas tu tetiba jer mati kat kia...ermm....hari ni nak hantar service kalau x de prob....

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Apa yang boleh saya bantu?

Kita sentiasa harus bersedia untuk membantu org lain..kerana x tahu bila kita sendiri memerlukan pertolongan....erm...

Minggu yang saya tak akan lupa....

Sedikit demi sedikit saya cuba untuk naik semula...kereta kancil lak buat hal...suhu tetiba naik...air dalam kaburator kering.....erm..si khairil budak Naza tu lak wat hal..susah nak contact ada je masalah nye....lepas sain agreement langsung x nak call dan maklumkan yang terkini. semalam wife cal dia dan dimaklumkan hari ni baru dapat ambik kereta baru tu....aku nak ajak bincang supaya dapat diskaun ke/apa-apa la yang boleh ..ermm .shaari ada callkata ada kursus kejurulatihan ICT kat hotel Capitol KL dari 8 hingga 13 Julai...alhamdullilah....

Saturday, June 30, 2007